Our story

Welcome to THAMANI!

In December 2023, after months of intensive preparations and an inspiring trip to Kenya, we officially launched our German social start-up “THAMANI”.

The name "THAMANI", derived from Swahili, the most widely spoken language in East Africa, carries the meaningful message of "worth and dignity". For us, it represents the belief that every person is of infinite value, uniquely created and unconditionally loved.

Im Dezember 2023 haben wir nach Monaten intensiver Vorbereitungen sowie einer inspirierenden Reisen nach Kenia den offiziellen Startschuss für unser deutsches Social Start-Up "THAMANI" gegeben. 

Der Name "THAMANI", abgeleitet aus dem Swahili, der am häufigsten gesprochenen Sprache in Ostafrika, trägt die bedeutungsvolle Botschaft von "Wert und Würde". Für uns repräsentiert es die Überzeugung, dass jeder Mensch von unendlichem Wert ist, einzigartig geschaffen und bedingungslos geliebt wird.

Our team and our mission

In the midst of our young international team, a shared passion awakens: to be a light of hope for disadvantaged children in an often dark world. Our approach is creative and sustainable, based on reciprocity and is shaped by the firm belief that change is possible if we create it together.

Each hand-made cup has a unique painting, it is wonderfully created, it is “valuable” (“Thamani”) – just like you! 😊

With every coffee cup sold, you make it possible to pay the monthly school fees for a child.

We would be very happy if you became part of this moving story.

Mit jeder verkauften Kaffeetasse ermöglichst Du die Zahlung des monatlichen Schulgelds für ein Kind.

Wir würden uns riesig freuen, wenn Du Teil dieser bewegenden Geschichte wirst.

You can find out everything else in our THAMANI video - it speaks louder than many words. Enjoy the “THAMANI VIBES”! Watch our social video now!